Sunday, 18 November 2018

Sonar Local setuP

Sonar Setup for Local Run

Installing Sonar server

·       Download Sonar Qube zip.

·       Extract the zip file in your choosen location.
·       Start Sonar Qube in terminal using following command
./ start
$ cd ~/Softwares/sonarqube-6.7.4/bin/macosx-universal-64/
$ ./ start
Starting SonarQube...
Started SonarQube.
·       Now, you can browse your sonar installation at http://localhost:9000

Integrating with your maven project

Note: Following pom.xml changes are already done for CTB Service and OEM portal projects.

·       Edit pom.xml
Modify your pom.xml to include following properties:
                                                            <!-- API versions -->

·       Ensure that JaCoCo includes configuration set

Integrating with Eclipse

·       Install SonarLint plugin using Eclipse marketplace

·       After installation, link your project with Sonar. Right click on the project and open Properties.

·       Select Bind this Eclipse project to a SonarQube project.
·       Select the project and select link above Connect to a SonarQube server.

Default username and password: admin/admin

Press on Finish button.
Note: If window doesn’t close, then close it by pressing on X on upper left corner of the window.

·       Run the maven build: mvn clean install
·       Run the sonar build: mvn sonar:sonar
·       Now, you can open the Sonar local portal (http://localhost:9000) to see your project code quality details.

That’s it.

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