Docker Management Commands
docker info Show system-wide information about Docker
docker login Log
in to a Docker registry
docker logout Log
out from a Docker registry
docker search Search
for Docker images
docker pull Pull a Docker image from a registry
docker push Push a Docker image to a registry
docker build Build
a Docker image from a Dockerfile
docker tag Create a tag for a Docker image
docker rmi Remove one or more Docker images
docker images List
all the Docker images on the system
docker ps List all the running Docker containers
docker ps -a List
all the Docker containers (running and stopped)
docker rm Remove one or more Docker containers
docker start Start
a stopped Docker container
docker stop Stop a running Docker container
docker restart Restart
a running Docker container
docker logs Show the logs of a Docker container
docker exec Run a command inside a running Docker
docker port List the public-facing port of a Docker container
Docker Compose Commands
docker-compose up Create and start containers
docker-compose down Stop and remove containers, networks, and
docker-compose build Build or rebuild services
docker-compose start Start services
docker-compose stop Stop services
docker-compose restart Restart services
docker-compose logs View output from containers
docker-compose ps List containers
Docker Network Commands
docker network create Create a Docker network
docker network ls List all Docker networks
docker network inspect Display detailed information about a Docker
docker network connect Connect a Docker container to a network
docker network disconnect Disconnect
a Docker container from a network
Docker Volume Commands
docker volume create Create
a Docker volume
docker volume ls List all Docker volumes
docker volume inspect Display
detailed information about a Docker volume
docker volume rm Remove one or more Docker volumes
Docker Swarm Commands
docker swarm init Initialize a Docker Swarm
docker swarm join Join a Docker node to a Swarm
docker swarm leave Leave a Docker Swarm
docker service create Create
a Docker service
docker service ls List all Docker services
docker service inspect Display
detailed information about a Docker service
docker service update Update
a Docker service
docker service rm Remove one or more Docker services
Dockerfile Commands
FROM Specifies the base image for the
RUN Executes a command in the Docker
CMD Specifies the default command to run
when the container starts
EXPOSE Exposes a port from the container to the
host machine
ENV Sets an environment variable
ADD Copies files or directories from the
host machine to the container
COPY Copies files or directories from the host
machine to the container
WORKDIR Sets the working directory for the
ENTRYPOINT Specifies the command to run when the
container starts
VOLUME Creates a mount point for a volume
Docker Registry Commands
docker login Log
in to a Docker registry
docker logout Log
out from a Docker registry
docker search Search
for Docker images in a registry
docker pull Pull
a Docker image from a registry
docker push Push a Docker image to a registry
docker tag Create a tag for a Docker image
Docker Stats Command
docker stats Show
live resource usage statistics of running containers
Docker Container Commands
docker container create Create a Docker container
docker container start Start a stopped Docker container
docker container stop Stop a running Docker container
docker container restart Restart
a running Docker container
docker container pause Pause a running Docker container
docker container unpause Unpause
a paused Docker container
docker container rm Remove one or more Docker containers
docker container ls List all running Docker containers
docker container ls -a List all Docker containers, including
stopped ones
Docker Image Commands
docker image build Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile
docker image tag Tag a Docker image with a name
docker image push Push a Docker image to a registry
docker image pull Pull a Docker image from a registry
docker image ls List all Docker images
docker image rm Remove one or more Docker images
Docker Compose Commands
docker-compose up Create and start Docker containers
docker-compose down Stop and remove Docker containers
docker-compose ps List all Docker containers managed by Docker
Docker System Commands
docker system prune Remove unused data, such as stopped
containers, unused networks, and dangling images
docker system df Show Docker disk usage
docker system events Show
real-time events from the Docker daemon