Friday 25 January 2013

Collections  Eclipse short  cuts most use full while developning

List---Duplicates  allows---Insertion order preserved---null allows
Set---Duplicates not allows---Insertion order not preserved— null insertion not possible
Collection classses Duplicates Null value
Array List Y Y
Linked list Y Y
Hash Set N Y
LinkedHashSet N N
TreeSet N Y

Key value key value
HashMap N Y Y Y
LinkedHashMap N Y Y Y
TreeMap N Y Y(empty tree map) Y
HashTable N Y N N
keyBoard short cuts
ctrl+q---------------Last Edit Location
Alt+ Arrow keys------------To navigate  History(left/right)
Alt+ Arrow keys------------To Move line(up/down)
Alt+shift+j-----------------To generate commets for a  Javadoc(comments before a method )
Ctrl+d ------to delete a Line
Crtl+shift+R-----To open a resource
Ctrl+o-----To  see the methods& variables in the .java file
Crtl+shift+S-------To see save all the files at a time
Crtl+A,crtl+Shift+f-----To format the code before check-in
F3---To see the mehod code/class code
F5  F6  F7 F8----(into the method,next statement,out of the method,break point to break point)while debugging
Ctrl+Shift+E-----To see and open the existing files.if you open lot of files
Ctrl+d --------to delete a line of code
Crtl+/----To make a comment(By selecting)
Crtl+\------To un comment(By selecting)
Crtl+shift+o------To import all neccessary packages
Ctrl+space—for suggestions
Ctrl+1-----related return type comes
Alt+Shift+W- --to find out the opened file in the project perspective
1)To allow the web site to access with out getting proxy problems
IE>Internet options>connections>LAN settings>proxy settings>
Exceptions : Do not user proxy server for addresses beginning with
2)How to disable the firewall in OS:
start>Control Pannel>Windows firewall>Advanced settings>Windows firewall properties >firewall state(ON/OFF) we can
disable/enable the fire wall settings
3)To Connect to remote connection
start search>mstsc/Romote Desktop Connection>give the IP(>
Use another Account>user name/password>yes
4)start Tomcat
i)C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.32\bin- double click on the startup.bat[use cntl +c to to stop the server]
ii)command prompt> cd C:\Program Files\apache-tomcat-6.0.32\bin--enter>startup.bat
5)JDK 1.7-32 bit is compatable to 64 -bit Operating system
copy the installed 32-bit JDk in the windows Enterprsie7 Enterprise service pack1 [32-bit] to the VmWare 64-bit windows
server 2008 R2 Standard service pack1[64-bit] --It will work
6)settings the Path & JAVA_HOME
start>computer>Right click>Properties>Advanced Settings>[credentials]
>Advance>Environment Varibables>
user Varibles for Adminstrator>new>
varible Name :JAVA_HOME
variable Value :C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0
varible Name :path
variable Value :C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0\bin
7)32- bit apache tomcat can run on 64 bit Operating system
we can copy the installed tomcat (32- bit apache tomcat )from one system toanother system (64 bit Operating system)
IWAB0489E Error when deploying Web service to Axis runtime
 * IWAB0489E Error when deploying Web service to Axis runtime axis-admin failed
 * with {}HTTP (403)Proxy Unacknowledged

1)IE>Settings>Internet options>connections>LAN Settings>Proxy server>
copy Address xx.xx.xx.xxxx and port 80
2)windows >preferances>General>Network Connections
Active provider  select Manual>HTTP >Add> paste the copied Ip and port >ok
create adynamic web project>write a class under package>
windows>preferance >webservice>
1)i)axis2 preferance>D:\from_ruhul\axis2-1.6.2-bin\axis2-1.6.2(installed axis2)>ok
ii)rigth click on project>properties>project Facets>enable Axis2 web services
2)i)CXF 2.x preferance>Add>Home directory of unziped CXF 2.7.7>enable thecheck box
ii)right rick on project>properties>enable the CXF 2.x Web Services>ok

Right click on project>new >other>web services>web service>Next>browse  file
drag up the both>finsih/next
then we can see the  web service explorer click on the method(service) give the neccessary  input. we get theoutput in the status scroll and see
To access fromm broweser
copy the url in nthe wsdl file in the <soap:address locaation=http://localhost:8080/WebServiceCXFHello/services/HelloWorldPort>

paste in the browser http://localhost:8080/WebServiceCXFHello/services/HelloWorldPort?wsdl
user Environment variables

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45
C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.1.1

%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;%SYSTEMROOT%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_45\bin;C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.1.1\bin;
vsphere credentails
esx ip:
esx credentials:
esx ip:

gateway :
after that you crootan install new windows 2008 R2 in it.
3Dropdowns disable and enable the same list
function test(indx)
var ele="question"+indx;
var v1=document.getElementById(ele);
for(var e=1;e<=3;e++)
var ele1="question"+e;
var v2=document.getElementById(ele1);
//alert("ID:  ";
for (var i=0; i<v2.length;i++)

for(var e1=1;e1<=3;e1++)
var ele="question"+e1;
var v1=document.getElementById(ele);
for(var e=1;e<=3;e++)
var ele1="question"+e;
var v2=document.getElementById(ele1);
for (var i=0; i<v2.length;i++)

<script type="text/javascript">
function enableDisableDropDown(indx) {
var arr = [ "questionOne", "questionTwo", "questionThree" ];
//var ele="question"+indx;
alert(arr[indx - 1]);
var ele = arr[indx - 1];
var v1 = document.getElementById(ele);
for (var e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
//var ele1="question"+e;
var ele1 = arr[e];
if (ele != ele1) {
alert("loop 1  ele :" + ele + "  ele1 :" + ele1);
var v2 = document.getElementById(ele1);
//alert("ID:  ";
for (var i = 0; i < v2.length; i++) {
if (v2.options[i].value == v1.value) {
v2[i].disabled = true;
} else {
v2[i].disabled = false;

for (var e1 = 0; e1 < 3; e1++) { //var arr =["questionOne","questionTwo","questionThree"];
var ele = arr[e1];
//var ele="question"+e1;
var v1 = document.getElementById(ele);
for (var e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
//var ele1="question"+e;
var ele1 = arr[e];
if (ele != ele1) {
alert("loop 2  ele :" + ele + "  ele1 :" + ele1);
var v2 = document.getElementById(ele1);
for (var i = 0; i < v2.length; i++) {
if (v2.options[i].value == v1.value) {
v2[i].disabled = true;


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